Recognizing The Challenges Of Open-Book Management
News,Blog,HGI Development & Strategies,Open Book Management
July 25, 2012
Open-book management can be fun, but the flip-side to any game is that sometimes, you will lose. Many employees will take the ball and run with it. But some people don’t want the responsibility of managing a business’ bottom…
Games For Business Results
News,Blog,HGI Development & Strategies,Open Book Management
July 18, 2012
Open-book management requires consensus and planning, but implementation isn’t just grit; it can be a fun game. To encourage participation and make the financial statements meaningful, Harrington Group employees played games.…
Open-Book Management in Motion
News,Blog,HGI Development & Strategies,Open Book Management
July 13, 2012
When employees have access to all relevant financial information and critical data, they have a better understanding of how the company is doing as a whole and are more likely to make better decisions and perform their jobs…
Open-Book Management In Harrington Group
News,Blog,HGI Development & Strategies,Open Book Management
July 11, 2012
In early 1998, I was browsing through the bookstore, looking at the shelves in the business section. Something always jumps off the shelf when I do this and, mysteriously, the subject matter always seems to be just what I need…