More on Dry Sprinkler System Freeze Failures
News,System Design,Failure Analysis,Fire Sprinkler Freeze Failures,Subrogation
October 31, 2012
As temperatures drop, the potential for sprinkler freeze failures rises. Dry pipe sprinkler systems are one way to avoid of freeze failures, but even they are not immune. Wet Pipe Sprinklers vs. Dry Pipe Sprinklers As we…
What To Do In The Case Of A Fire Sprinkler Discharge
News,Blog,Fire Sprinkler Freeze Failures,Subrogation
February 8, 2012
According to the NFSA: Automatic fire sprinkler systems are widely considered the single most effective tool for protecting life and property from unfriendly fire. There has never been a multiple loss of life from fire among…
How To Prevent Fire Sprinkler Freeze Failures
News,Blog,Fire Sprinkler Freeze Failures
February 1, 2012
Ideally, all sprinkler systems would be properly designed and installed for their environment. Dry sprinkler systems would properly slope in order to drain and wet systems would be properly insulated in areas that drop below…
Fire Sprinkler Freeze Failures
News,Blog,Fire Sprinkler Freeze Failures
January 25, 2012
The fire sprinkler industry takes many precautions to ensure that accidental leakage does not occur. However, if an automatic sprinkler has discharged water in the clear absence of a fire, an investigation should be undertaken…