Undermining Your Expertise
March 28, 2012
“Seek First to Understand – Are you Really Listening?” is Habit #5 from Stephen Covey’s classic self-help book, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. At Harrington Group, we try to manage our interactions with our employees and…
Are You Really Listening?
March 21, 2012
Sometimes, experience and expertise are a double-edged sword. Through years of working and building up knowledge, people develop skills that help them identify and solve problems that would have gone undetected or unsolved.…
Think Win/Win
News,Blog,HGI Development & Strategies,7 Habits
March 1, 2012
In recent events, we’ve seen an emergence of winner-takes-all strategies come into fashion. A winner-takes-all approach to business turns relationships into a competition. Dog-eat-dog business strategies are unsustainable, and…
The 7 Habits Of Harrington Group
News,Blog,HGI Development & Strategies,7 Habits
February 22, 2012
The economic recession in the early 1990s hit the real estate markets hard between 1990 and 1992. Architects suffered because new commercial and industrial construction dried up during this period. As a small fire protection…