The Fire Protection Research Foundation is conducting research to develop best practices for the installation and an all-hazard assessment of photovoltaic panels installed on roofs. Photovoltaic panels, also referred to as solar panels, are used to convert sunlight into energy. While photovoltaic panels are becoming increasingly popular as an alternative energy source, the installation of the panels can result in many new fire and structural risks. There have been various studies to evaluate these risks and to develop installation recommendations aimed at mitigating them. As a result, the Fire Protection Research Foundation is seeking a project contractor to review these installation recommendations and develop a list of best-practices. According to the Foundation’s Request for Proposal, the project contractor will be responsible for conducting a “literature review of published incidents, research studies, installation guidance, codes and standards requirements related to hazards and damage potential created by the installation of photovoltaic panels on commercial roof structures including the following: wind uplift; damage due to debris accumulation; hail hazards; fire (panel flammability, impact on roof fire ratings); structural loading impacts (including impact on roof snow removal) and, electrical hazards associated with shut off for manual firefighting operations”. The project contractor will then create a compilation of the best installation practices, conduct a hazard analysis, identify any gaps in the information, and finally present the findings in a one-hour webinar.